Ownership In A Digital Age
March 7, 2025
The Clock Is Ticking While You Do Nothing
March 7, 2025
How Global Liquidity Fuels Bitcoin Price Growth
March 7, 2025
I really thought that we had seen the bottom in terms of Bitcoiners making irrational and ridiculous arguments against improvements...
Bitcoin, you are 16 years old now, well into your teenage years. These are usually the years during which, for...
Bitcoin is fiat. Now go ahead, take the time you need to get it out of your system. Breath deeply....
I have just finished reading Debt: The First 5000 Years by anthropologist David Graeber. The book takes a look at...
One counter-argument against pushing for greater scalability with Bitcoin is that “most people won’t self-custody anyway, so why bother?” This...
Well we did it, 100k Bitcoin is here. I’m sure quite a lot of you are quite happy with where...
Too much of the discussions around Bitcoin in the last year have been focused on how to use it. Or...
Jason Lowery’s Softwar “thesis” is a complete joke. It is a mix of incoherent, and subtly so, argumentation about cybersecurity...